Frequently Asked Questions

We try to anticipate questions you might have about our PRODUCT / SERVICE and provide the answers here. If you need additional information send email to info@thegroutguystx.com.
Why should I have my tile & grout cleaned?
Just like carpet, dirt builds up over time dulling your tile’s appearance and discoloring your grout. A thorough, professional tile & grout cleaning is the only way to remove the deep-down dirt.

How do you clean my tile & grout?
We use a high pressure rotary tool with dual rotating jets. This is combined with the same truck-mounted steam/pressure cleaning we use to deep clean your carpet. We use tile and grout specific cleaners that strip away any waxy build-up and remove the dirt embedded in the grout lines.

How often should I have my floor cleaned?
As with carpet, many factors must be considered when determining the frequency of cleaning. Foot traffic, children, pets, and routine floor maintenance will affect how often you need to have your tile & grout cleaned.

How long will it take to have my tile floor cleaned?
For an average size room (up to 300 square feet), it typically takes 30–60 minutes to clean the tile & grout. This can vary based on a number of factors including the size of the tile, amount of soil in the grout lines, and room configuration. If you choose to have sealant added, it typically takes 2–3 hours to complete the entire process.

Why should I have my grout lines sealed?
Grout is a porous material that absorbs soil and spills, just like carpet. Having a sealant applied will help create a protective barrier, giving you more time to clean up dirt and liquid spills before they soak into the grout. The type of sealant you choose will determine the degree of stain resistance.

How long do I have to stay off the floor after sealant has been applied?
We recommend that you wait 30 minutes before walking on the floor to allow the sealant to dry. It will take 24 hours for the sealant to cure completely, so we suggest that you avoid any liquid coming in contact with the sealant during that time.

Do I have to use a special floor cleaner if I have the sealant applied?
To preserve the life of the sealant, we recommend that you use a neutral cleaner on your floor. Rinsing after mopping will also help keep your floors looking their best. You will want to avoid bleach and other harsh chemical cleaners as these can wear away at the sealant and cause it to break down prematurely.

What is clear seal?
Clear seal is an invisible layer of protection that penetrates into the pores of the grout. This gives you more time to clean up dirt and liquid spills before they soak into the grout, however, it is not waterproof.

What is color seal?
Restore your grout to its original appearance with our premium Color Seal restoration service. Our Color Seal service will transform your discolored grout back to its original splendor by providing a layer of uniform color to your grout lines, giving your floor a clean and refreshed look. Along with improving the cosmetic appearance of your floor, Color Seal provides a protective waterproof barrier that guards your grout from spills, dirt & debris.

What is the best way to clean my tile & grout floors?
Vinegar & Water: 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water is the best way to clean almost any floor. The vinegar sanitizes, deodorizes and evaporates. This keeps your floors from streaking as well as preventing the build-up from harsh chemical cleaners.

How long should I wait to use my recently re-grouted shower?
Answer Coming Soon

Should I use sanded or non-sanded grout?
Answer Coming Soon

Why should I stain my grout?
Answer Coming Soon

How often should I have my grout steam cleaned?
Answer Coming Soon

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